
Friday, September 30, 2011

Weight Watchers: Week 2

Today was our weekly weigh-in and as promised, I'm here to share our results. This week wasn't nearly as good as last week, but we didn't expect it to be. Adam and I both lost 1.2 lbs. this week! I was a little disappointed about not losing more; however, when I logged on to record my weight, I had a message pop up that said I was losing weight too quickly and to please slow down! :-)

So far, I am down 7.6 lbs. and Adam is down 11.8 lbs! We are thrilled with this and look forward to continuing our journey to our goal weight! Only 15.4 more lbs. for me!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

One Year

One year ago today, I had a breakfast date at Cracker Barrel with the coolest 2 year old in town! Afterwards, we went to the park and played, then went to Kroger to pick up a few things, then back home for lunch and a nap.

How do I remember all of this? Because I was 9 months pregnant, and at 4:30 in the afternoon when B got up from his nap, my water broke! Two hours and 47 minutes later, my sweet baby girl was born (still in the triage room!) and my life changed (again!) forever.

Sweet baby girl, I love you with every fiber of my being. Only when you become a Mama yourself will you understand how I love you and your brother. I've gotta admit, thought, little girl - I wondered about you. You see, it had just been your brother for 2 1/2 years, and I love him so very much. I wondered how there would be enough love to go around. But I didn't need to worry. The second they placed you in my arms, my heart grew twice as big, and I loved you just as much as I love him. You bring so much joy to every single day, and your Daddy and I love you more than life!

Happy birthday, baby girl!

Weight Watchers: Week 1

If you remember, Adam and I started Weight Watchers this past Monday. We're doing Weight Watchers online, and we picked Friday as our official weigh-in day. So this morning when we got up, we both weighed in. It's not technically been a week yet, since we only started Monday. So in five days, Adam lost 10.6 pounds and I have lost 6.4 pounds!

I am incredibly proud of both of us! It's great to see those numbers on the scale drop (especially since I thought I was going to starve to death the first two days we were into it!). Here's to keeping with the plan and seeing our weight continue to drop!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Goal For Today... to clip and file ALL of these coupons that I have been so lazy as to not get to the past couple of weeks! It's raining here today, so we'll be staying in and I might as well tackle it!

What are you're plans for today?

Happy Tuesday, y'all!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Starting The Journey

Twelve years and two kids will do a lot of things to you. When I married my husband more than 12 years ago, I weighed a very healthy 119 pounds. He weighed about 180 or so - very healthy for his size, too.

Fast forward 12 years and 2 kids later - suffice it to say, we don't weigh that anymore! Not anywhere close! So we've finally decided to do something about it.

Together, we've joined millions of others in the Weight Watchers program. My BFF joined Weight Watchers a couple of months ago and has lost over 20 lbs. already! So Adam and I have decided to give it a try. We're doing the online program (with both of us doing it, it'd be impossible to get a babysitter every week for the meetings/weigh-ins) - we signed up last night and officially started this morning.

My weight goal is to lose 23 pounds. My point goal per day is 29. It's just after lunch, and I've already used 19 of my points! Guess I've got some work to do, huh? :-)

We've chosen to weigh in on Fridays (my husband's logic is that if we splurge on the weekend, we'll have all week to work it back off!). I'll share each week how I'm doing and any good recipes I find along the way. If you are on this journey as well, I'd love to hear your stories! Please feel free to comment!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I Did With My Free Carrots

I had four pounds of carrots that I got for free (plus overage!) at Wal-Mart this week. We don't eat a ton of carrots (who does?), but I didn't want them to go to waste, so I decided to can them to use in beef stew, veggie soup, etc. I gave some to my Mom and kept some for myself.

I might just turn out to be a little homemaker after all!

PS - If you're interested, you can go here to find out how I canned them!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I Love Using Coupons

First, let me apologize for being MIA in bloggy-land for a couple of weeks. We've been super busy, and decided at the last minute to go to the beach the last week of August. Life just kind of got in the way! So I apologize! Now, on to today's post...

If you know anything about me, it's that I love to save my family money on the things we need. In fact, as a stay at home Mom, it's a big part of my job. My husband works very hard, and it's my job to stretch that money as far as possible. Using coupons allows me to do just that! Take, for example, my trip to Wal-Mart this morning. I didn't need much - just a loaf of bread for supper tonight. But I had coupons for everything else. Here's what I bought:

2 boxes of K-Y Jelly
6 travel size Tide detergents
4 trial size Cascade Action packs
2 one-pound bags of carrots
1 loaf of Italian bread

Before coupons, my sub-total (before taxes) was $18.62.

After my coupons were deducted, my sub-total was just $2.12. $2.12!! That's a savings of 89%!!

The K-Y will be donated, and everything else will be used by my family.

You may ask why I bought the K-Y if I didn't need it. At Wal-Mart, they allow for what's called "coupon overage". This means that regardless of what the price of the product is, the full value of the coupon will be deducted. For example, the K-Y was priced at $2.84. I had a coupon for $3.00 off any K-Y product. This means the product was totally free, plus I had $0.16 in coupon overage!

When I can get a product for free, I always do, even if it's something my family can't/won't use. There are lots of places that would be thrilled with the donation. We don't have a ton of extra cash to give to charity, but this allows me to do something without spending a lot of money.

Occasionally, I will highlight some of my best shopping trips here on my blog. Feel free to chime in with your best trips as well! Leave a comment with a link to a blog (if you have one), or just tell me kind of deals you scored this week! I'd love to hear from you!