
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Homeschooling your Preschooler

We have decided to do "preschool" at home this fall, starting sometime after Labor Day. B is almost 3 1/2 and while we have always taken learning opportunities as they come, we will be doing a more structured "school" time.

I purchased four Pre-K books from The Mailbox to use as our "curriculum". This year, we will focus on the Alphabet, Numbers and Colors & Shapes. While B is fairly proficient in these areas already (he can recognize and name all the letters of the alphabet, count to 15 - as well as count objects - and can recognize and name all of the basic colors and shapes), we will be working to solidify these for him, as well as begin working on the sounds the letters make, learning our numbers to at least 20, etc.

I also bought a Day-by-Day lesson plan book for Pre-K. Each week we will have a different "theme", such as weather, community helpers, getting along with others, etc. The plans include craft ideas, books to read, corresponding activities.

I am excited about "school" this fall and think this will be a great learning experience, and a trial period to see if homeschooling is really the way we want to go for our kids. I am interested if any of you have homeschooled your children, and if so, any tips you may have. We are totally new to this and while we've researched homeschooling quite a bit, we have so much to learn.

And with that, I'll leave you with a picture of my beautiful babies, taken this afternoon...

P.S. - Did you know it's hard to get a picture of a teething baby without her hands in her mouth? Or chewing on her shirt? I gave up on trying!

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